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Want to be One Percent Better Every Day? Don’t Break the Chain.

Want to be One Percent Better Every Day? Don’t Break the Chain.

One Percent Better Every Day Don't Break the Chain

One of the keys to becoming one percent better every day can be summed up like this. Don’t break the chain.

As we sit here our feet are literally barking.

But they are barking together. Before I tell you about our fun (and tiring day), I want to tell you about the concept of not breaking the chain.

As the show Seinfeld was getting off the ground, Jerry Seinfeld was still touring. Software engineer Brad Isaac was trying his hand at comedy, doing open mic nights and such.

One night, they crossed paths, and Brad jumped at the chance to ask Jerry for advice.

Jerry told him this golden nugget. To be a better comic, write better jokes. Obvious, right? But then he continued…

To write better jokes, write every day.

What about days you don’t feel like writing? Jerry told Brad to get a big wall calendar that has an entire year on one page. Get a big red marker, put a big red ‘X’ over the day.

As you mark off days, you’ll create a chain. Seeing the chain get longer and longer will make you feel good. A small release of endorphins as it grows. At that point, your job is to not break the chain.

Don’t break the chain.

I’ve extended that “don’t break the chain” metaphor into the one percent better every day journey.

All ‘Booped’ Out. DramCorp Wins… for Now.

Now, about our day. We started off at Area15 and the Omega Mart. Cole and I had seen it on YouTube and were very excited to try it out.

The products were cool. The secret tunnels were neat. The “mystery” was underwhelming. At least for us. We asked several times for “boop” cards, only to be told they were out.

However, we did see several people with them. It seems to me that the minimum to start solving a puzzle, and a key piece of the mystery shouldn’t necessitate hounding people for a card.

That said, even if we had a card, it was packed shoulder to shoulder with people everywhere. So getting to a ‘boop’ station would have been difficult.

Long story short, we budgeted 3 hours, you really need 3 days. And that’s not hyperbole. There’s so much nuance hidden everywhere. That and you need to budget time to access computers and phones and offices that often have lines.

Cole said it met his expectations, and it was a good fun family time, so we will chalk it up for a win (or as Cam says, “a ‘dub'”).

The Search for Gordon Ramsay’s Finest Food

From there, we wanted to grab a burger at Gordon Ramsay’s. There was an hour wait, so we opted out of that. Instead, we headed to the Crack Shack, and newish fried chicken joint at the Park MGM.

Finally, after a brief break, we were back walking up to Treasure Island to Marvel STATION.

The exhibit took about 45 minutes to get through. And while there was some cool stuff, we all agreed it was a bit underwhelming.

Now, we are chilling at the Forum shops, waiting for our reservation at Gordon Ramsay Pub and Grill in Caesars. Yeah, we are Ramsay fans!

After dinner, we will head back to the Bellagio and pack. And brush my teeth. We have an early flight tomorrow.

And once the family is in bed, I’ll wander down to the casino to try my luck.

The Key to Long Term One Percent Better Success? Don’t Break the Chain.

As far as being grateful this evening, I’m grateful for time with my family. We all have our health, not something I could have said five years ago. On the wealth side, I am grateful for clients, both old and new. And I’m grateful for trying new things, like finding a new way every day to compound the interest on my one percent.

Two days down, 363 more to go. The chain is unbroken.

Tomorrow on the flight, I’ll play with getting this on the blog and allow it to grow its own tentacles. And I’ll come up with some way to display the progress I’m making. Maybe it will help you as well.

Until tomorrow!

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