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Guaranteed to Make You More Productive? The Perfect 5-Step Process

Guaranteed to Make You More Productive? The Perfect 5-Step Process

More Productive with 5s

We all want to be more productive.

It’s a cold Saturday morning here in North Carolina. I’m not a fan of the cold. I’d prefer a beach in the Caribbean any day of the week.

In my pursuit of one-percent-better, I’m starting to notice things that annoy me more than they used to.

You know that in a world filled with distractions – from social media to the streaming wars – productivity is key.

You could be an entrepreneur hell-bent on dominating the online space. Or a content creator cranking out posts and videos to chase clout. Either way, getting more done in less time is critical.

As I’ve focused on being more productive, one of those things is the state of my desk and office. I’m losing things, and I feel cramped and anxious. It’s stressful.

And there are plenty of techniques and strategies to help you become more productive. But one of the simplest and smartest is the Japanese process known as the 5S.

So today, I am going to use it to clean and organize my desk and office.

This will do a couple of things. First, it will help reduce my anxiety and the tiny bit of dread I get when I walk into the office.

But second, and most important, it will help me be more productive as both an entrepreneur and, now, a creator.

What is the 5S Process?

The 5S Process is a simple, yet highly effective, way to organize and clean your work environment. The process came to life in Japan at the Toyota Motor Corporation. They developed it as a way to allow for just-in-time manufacturing.

While it’s been around since the 1970s, it has recently begun to gain popularity again. As people look to become more productive at work, 5S is being adopted all across America.

There are five simple steps:

5s Productivity Process

  • Sort (seiri),
  • Set in Order (seiton),
  • Shine (seiso),
  • Standardize (seiketsu), and
  • Sustain (shitsuke).

Why is the 5S process important?

Before we dive into each of these steps, let’s talk about why a system like this is important. Every second you spend searching for a piece of paper or a pen halts your productivity. And it drains your energy.

The longer it takes you to find something, the less work you can do. The less productive you can be. And the more likely you are going to give up and move on to something else.

Why I should use 5S as an entrepreneur or creator?

A system like this is important for entrepreneurs and creatives. People like us have to be able to quickly and efficiently generate new ideas. And this requires a clean work environment.

What you will get from using 5S process?

So, if you install 5S into your business or workspace, you’ll see several benefits:

More Productive Overall

How does a clean workspace make you more productive?

As I mentioned before, every moment you spend searching for a piece of paper or a pen is time lost.

And the last thing I want to do is stop every five minutes to find something buried under a pile of crap on my desk. Or on the floor.

Especially when I am trying to focus on writing an article or filming.

And More Productive Creativity

How does a clean workspace enhance creativity? Scientists have been researching this for years and the answer is pretty simple. Clean spaces make it easier to think creatively. When you are buried in disorder, you accidentally clutter your mind as well. This makes it much harder to focus and be productive.

There are studies showing that a messy environment can boost creativity. This is true. But these same studies show you’re not as productive. As a result, a lot of this creativity never sees the light of day.

Improved Anxiety

I rank this as the biggest benefit because I deal with my own anxiety quite a bit.

How does a cluttered workspace cause anxiety?

Clutter takes up space. And this makes it harder to relax and focus. Messes and clutter encircling us tell our brain that there is always more work to do. That we’re never done.

And the anxiety bubbles up as our brains tell us that there is no way we’ll ever get it all done.

More Efficient Workflow with Reduced Cycle Time

To have a more efficient workflow (and to be more productive), it is important to first understand what cycle time is.

Cycle time is the amount of time it takes from the start of a process until the end product is ready.

For example, for me to write a blog post of this length, including research, is usually about 3 hours. To create a short movie takes me about 3 hours to edit. These are my cycle times.

It is important to identify and eliminate any waste in the process to make it more efficient. This, in turn, reduces cycle time.

Having things on my desk where I can find them. And making sure my notes are right in front of me where I can see them when editing. These are simple ways to reduce cycle times that come from the 5S process.

Fewer Errors Due to Physical Distractions and Faster Recall of Information

Physical distractions can often lead to mistakes due to the fact that we are unable to focus on the task at hand. When our work environment is full of clutter and chaos, it takes up valuable mental energy.

This energy that you could use for getting stuff done. This is why implementing a system like 5S is so important.

It helps to declutter and organize your space, making it easier for you to focus on the task at hand.

Also, having an organized and clean workspace also helps with the recall of information. When everything is in its place, it is much easier to find what you need when you need it.

This is important for entrepreneurs and creatives. We need to be able to generate ideas quickly. But we also need those ideas to turn into action and products just as fast.

The five steps of the 5S Process

The five steps of the 5S process are Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain.


The first step of the 5S process is sort.

The process of sorting focuses on getting rid of any unnecessary items. This initial process is often overlooked. Make two categories: “keep” and “throw away.”

In my case, I’m surrounded by paper. Piles, both stacked and scattered, and actual books. I also have wires, cameras, and related gear on the floor around me.

So, I’ll go through each pile of paper, wires, and gear and figure out what I need versus what I don’t.

No more unnecessary clutter!

Set in Order (Straighten)

Once you’ve sorted all your items, the next step is to set in order (some people call this ‘straighten‘).

In this step, you organize the “keep” items into logical groups.

One way to sort your items is by type. For example, you could have a drawer for pens, a drawer for paperclips, and a drawer for staplers. This makes it easy to find what you need when you need it.

Another way to sort your items is by function. For example, you could have a section for office supplies, a section for tools, and a section for materials. This makes it easy to find what you need without spending too much time looking for it.

Next, place your groups in their proper areas, organized by frequency of use.

For example, I have placed the pens, pencils, and note cards on the side of my desk where I can see and reach them. All the other pens and pencils and other less-used items are in the desk drawer.

No more frantic searching for pens, notes, and files!


Next comes shine. This is the actual cleaning part of the process. Wipe down your desk with some disinfecting wipes or liquid cleaner. Vacuum out your drawers. Vacuum the carpet. Dust the shelves.

In my case, we’re going to straighten the legos and knick-nacks around the office and hang up my diploma.

This step is about making the entire area pleasant to work in. And if you do it right, you’re going to feel like you have more room to operate.

Clear surfaces give a more open, spacious look!


Next up? Standardize. Create a system for how and where certain items live. I do this on my desk with painter’s tape. That way, everything is always where it needs to be, and if it isn’t, it’s obvious.

I’ve organized my books on my shelves by basic topic. And then the books that I used most often (done in the ‘set in order’ step) are higher on the shelf.

Better organization happens through standardized systems!


The final step of the 5S process is sustain. This means maintaining your new system. This happens through an ongoing process of reflection and improvement. In the short term, you should clean and replace everything at the end of each workday. Place the things you’ll need first the next day on your desk front and center.

In the long term, you could schedule a 5S audit to take place every three months. This allows you to ensure that your system is still working.

Daily cleaning and scheduled audits help to sustain a well-organized system!

How to Apply 5S to Your Work/Office Space

Now that you understand the 5S Process and how it makes you more productive, it’s time to learn how to apply it to your specific office space. Every office is different, so you will need to tailor the process to fit your individual needs. But here are some general tips on how to apply each step of the process:

  1. Sort: Sort through your office space and get rid of any unnecessary clutter. This includes old papers, magazines, or anything else that is taking up valuable space. Go through your documents, receipts, business cards, and anything else that’s laying around. Manually sort through each item and get rid of any that are unimportant or unnecessary.
  2. Set in Order (Straighten): Once you have sorted through your space, start putting things in order. Organize your desk and desk drawers by category. Create specific places for items on your desk. Make a place for pens and pencils. In my case, my iPad has a place. So do my external hard drive and HomePods. This way, you will know exactly where to go when you are looking for something specific. Creating a filing system for your papers.
  3. Shine: Clean your office space and get rid of any dirt or grime. Use compressed air to clean your computer and keyboard. Make sure you replace all light bulbs when they burn out. Vacuum or mop.
  4. Standardize: Put things in their proper place and stick to that system. For example, place pens and pencils in the same location every day. Make sure anything else on your desk is put back where it should be.
  5. Sustain: Last but not least, make sure to sustain the changes you’ve created. Maintaining your new filing system. Putting things back in their proper place you’re finished using them.

If you follow this process, I guarantee that you will be more productive and efficient at work!

5 Tips for Making Sure Your 5S Process is A Success

There are a few key things to keep in mind when implementing the 5S process in your office space:

  1. It’s important to be patient and take your time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your office organization won’t happen overnight either!
  2. Be willing to ask for help when needed. There’s no shame in admitting that you need help. In fact, it’s often helpful to have someone else point out areas where you could improve.
  3. Make a plan and stick to it. Having a plan is essential when implementing the 5S process. It will help you stay on track and ensure that you don’t miss any steps.
  4. Make it fun! It’s important to approach organizing your office space with energy and enthusiasm. Otherwise, you may become overwhelmed or unmotivated. Think of how rewarding it will be once your office is clean, organized, and running smoothly.
  5. Stick with it! The most difficult part of becoming organized is committing to the process over the long term. It’s important to remember that maintaining your new system requires effort and time. But in the long run, this will save you a lot of energy and frustration.

It’s an ongoing process!

5 Examples of how to use the 5S Process to organize different areas of your office

You can use the 5S process in different areas of your office. Here are a few examples:

  1. Set up an area for small things like pens, pencils, and post-its that you want to keep neat and organized at all times. This could be a drawer that is easy to get to when needed and closed when not in use. This keeps the items inside from getting lost.
  2. Organize larger items, such as note pads, hard drives, and files. Choose a specific location for each item that is accessible when needed. Label cabinets or shelves and place items in the order you would need to use them.
  3. Choose a specific location for all waste and recycling containers. Make sure they are easy to access. Put them back in their designated space when not in use.
  4. Keep any surfaces clear of clutter so that your work area is clean and organized.
  5. Create a schedule for cleaning and maintaining your office. This guarantees that it is free of clutter and disorganization on a regular basis.

The 5S process is a great way to get your office organized and running smoothly. By following the five steps you can create an environment that is clean, and productive. Implementing this system may take some time and effort but it is well worth it in the end. Have you tried using the 5S process in your office? What tips would you give others who are thinking about doing the same?


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