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How to Start Being More Productive? An Easily Achievable Method.

How to Start Being More Productive? An Easily Achievable Method.

How to Start Being More Productive

So you want to know how to start being more productive?

When you think about being more productive with your time, you have to react to unexpected obstacles. In particular, how do you react to unexpected dead time? When that unexpected dead time crops up, here’s my advice: Ask yourself, “Is this how I’d spend my free time in an ideal world?”

If the answer is no, then you have likely the easiest way in the world to start being more productive.

This morning, we have the HVAC repairman in the house doing service. He’s a great guy. But he likes to explain everything. That’s sometimes useful and sometimes not. In either case, to keep everything moving, I hand out close to him so he doesn’t have to look for me to explain the next thing.

But, that can create non-productive time.

As I wait for him to come down from the attic, I’m writing this post on my iPhone. I’m close enough to the door and ladder that I can hear him if he needs something. But with my phone, I’m not wasting time.

We are both working.

eliminate dead time to start being more productive

In the past, I’d be playing a game, or scrolling Facebook or Instagram. Now, I’m creating content. I’m happy to be providing value with my time.

If I weren’t writing now, In order to keep my commitment to myself and to you, I’d need to do it later. That puts unnecessary stress and pressure in my day. And standing in my hallway doing nothing is not how I like to spend my free time. 

So I can make a trade. Turn this unexpected dead time into productive time and have more time later for something I’ll cherish. Or waste this time and lose it forever.

525,600 minutes in a year. 

Spend them wisely! 

Look for ways to be more productive. As long as I’ve had an iPhone in my pocket, I’m still learning the double-edged sword it can be. For 99% of people out there, it’s a great distraction. But you don’t want to be like everyone else. Neither do I. So for the 1% of everyone else, like you and me, we can use it to be productive. To become extraordinary.

The first step is to identify opportunities for productivity. I didn’t plan to write this on my phone. But as I stood for about 2 minutes, I started thinking about ways to be productive. 

Then I pulled out the phone and started writing.

It’s not always easy to see the opportunity. But once you do, grab it and make magic!

He was up there for 30 minutes. Long enough for me to write this entire post.

So if you want to know how to start being productive, start with finding and eliminating that wasted dead time. The time you’re on Facebook or Instagram comparing yourself to others. Or the time you’re literally doing nothing. And figure out a way to fill it with something that moves you closer to your goals. Because if you’re not moving closer to them, every minute that passes moves you farther away.

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