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How Time Management Is Important and Useful? Being Ahead of the Game.

How Time Management Is Important and Useful? Being Ahead of the Game.

How Time Management is Important

Today was a good primer on how time management is important.

I hit the ground running this morning. Woke up, brushed my teeth, and got Cameron to school on time. Then I finished this morning’s blog post in the parking lot of Cole’s school.

From there, I updated one dashboard and then we (my tech team and I) set up an API drip for email addresses for a client.

Updated the client, and then set off to update two more dashboards.

And the Clickbank login was hanging up. I couldn’t log in.

I had an hour set aside in my script for the dashboards. In that, there were about ten minutes of ‘squishy’ time.

Instead of panicking, I simply rearranged my script. I had finished a draft of a long post on how to be more disciplined (instead of my usual short daily posts). I had an hour scheduled to refine that.

So that’s what I did instead. Script intact.

Being able to shift tasks on the fly is one of the reasons why time management is important. It’s way better than wasting time on something I couldn’t control.

I volunteer as a baseball coach at the local middle school. Right now they are having their own pre-season workouts. They happen at 3 PM on Monday and Wednesday.

But I haven’t put them on my calendar yet.

So, at about 2 PM, I realized I needed to be there at 3 PM.

Luckily, because I didn’t waste time earlier, I was far enough ahead of what I needed to get done today. So having to run to practice didn’t affect any of my goals for today, and it didn’t put me behind on any for the rest of the week.

That is how time management is important.

Each day, you’re going to run into situations you don’t expect. Client calls, family emergencies, random baseball practices you forgot about.

By using scripting, growth mindset goal setting, and excellent time management, these speed bumps won’t slow you down.

Today ended up being a great day even though I had a couple of curveballs thrown at me. That’s how time management is important. And with that, it’s an easy transition into what I am grateful for tonight…

I am grateful for having disciplined time management. Without it, today would have turned into chaos.

I am grateful for the cold. Though I don’t love it, without the cold, I wouldn’t be able to appreciate the warmth of my house.

I am grateful for my new iPhone 13 Pro Max. I’m excited to use it during the new Casey Neistat class I’m taking.

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