productive | profitable | personal

Absolutely Don’t Quit. How To Actually Get Back on Track.

Absolutely Don’t Quit. How To Actually Get Back on Track.

Good mid-afternoon! At least that’s what it is as I’m writing this. And it’s time to get back on track.

The last two weeks have been rough, and they’ve thrown me off of my one-percent better path.

I was sick for about a week. And that required a lot of sleeping. I’m completely over it now, but the awake time focused on work and baseball.

This past week, I’ve also been catching up on my (that’s a referral link, if you want to join a similar class, we both get a $20 credit) class with Casey Neistat.

I want to create video content. But I want that video content to be somewhat good.

Especially now that Zeal Stream is launching and starting to grow.

My first video is up on YouTube. It’s about productivity.

The feedback I’ve gotten from my peer group is that the opening is clunky. I agree. And that my voice is too monotone. I agree about 75%. Certainly, when I’m thinking too much about what I’m saying, my voice flattens out. That should fix itself as I get more comfortable shooting.

The promising bit of feedback is that they liked the actual imagery and use of music. And I also agree here. The shots are pretty good, and they sync with the music well.

(BTW, I’d love to hear your feedback as well!)

This, too, will get better as I go.

In other words, it’s all about the practice at this point.

This brings me to the point of the post. I heard somewhere recently – maybe on TikTok – that practice doesn’t make perfect.

Practice makes progress.

And that’s what I’m aiming for. If I do it enough times and I make enough mistakes, I’ll get better at it.

Will I become as good as Casey Neistat? Probably not. But will I become the best version of Ben Teal I can be behind (and in front of) the camera I can be? Yes.

I want to make videos that show my daily life, how to get back on track when things go wrong (and they will!), and what I do to grow and scale my businesses. And I want to show how I get it all done in the time I have.

While having a lot of fun doing it.

That’s the goal of making these movies. And that’s why I decided on Casey’s class. I like his style. And I like that he has a lot of fun doing it.

I’m back to writing. I’ll write enough to catch up to my goal of averaging two daily posts.

After all, I have a lot planned this year, so I must keep moving forward! And if something goes sideways, I’ll do whatever is necessary to get back on track!

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