Control the Controllables. Ignore the Rest. See Massive Positive Changes?

We have to control the controllables. And you cannot worry about the rest. You’ll go mad. I remember a time a few years ago. I was getting out of my BMW at my mom’s house. She asked me something that surprised me. “How are you so calm and happy all the time? With so much […]
Want Success Now? Focus on the Critical Few. Avoid the Trivial Many.

I’m going to say that my ability to focus on the critical few things that drive growth is one of my biggest assets. It’s helped me grow my agency to a size that is comfortable, and the leverage to continue it on a path to growth. It allows me to let it run somewhat automatically. […]
Know Your “Reason Why?” Here’s How to Guarantee Your Success.

We left the Bellagio the same way we came in… under cover of darkness. 5 AM comes early in Las Vegas. Or late. It depends, I guess. For me, it was way too early. I had a successful night in the casino that allowed me to go upstairs and get ready for bed by about […]
What is One Percent Better? It’s an Exciting Lifestyle.

What is one percent better? What does that mean in practice? As I woke up this morning (after struggling with the warm blanket holding me down), I felt a burst of excitement. It’s been one week. One week of applying the one percent better mindset. It started with brushing my teeth. It grew to me […]
Want Success? Find a Growth Opportunity. Actually Have the Courage to Take It.

What do you do with a growth opportunity? Let me start by saying that – as far as growth and opportunities are concerned – today was a great day. All the dashboards, of course, came out well. The actual blog is live, and I’m very happy with the look of it. I need to create […]
The Exciting Journey to One Percent Better Every Day Begins
One percent better every day. That’s the goal. Today is the day after my birthday in 2021. I am 45 years old. As Jimmy Buffett proclaims, “I’m growing older but not up.” To prove the point, I decided to celebrate – with my family – in the adult playground. Sin City. Las Vegas, Nevada. This […]