How Time Management Is Important and Useful? Being Ahead of the Game.

Today was a good primer on how time management is important. I hit the ground running this morning. Woke up, brushed my teeth, and got Cameron to school on time. Then I finished this morning’s blog post in the parking lot of Cole’s school. From there, I updated one dashboard and then we (my tech […]
What Achievement Really Defines Success as an Entrepreneur?

What defines success as an entrepreneur? It’s really an interesting question. And, if I’m being honest, it’s one that I’ve had trouble answering from time to time. But, tonight, as I sit down to write after another evening at the baseball field, it dawns on me what the real answers are. First, I am an […]
Do Little Gratitude Practices Help You Become Admired and Successful?

Gratitude practices are one of the most important aspects of success. And happiness. You’ve seen it now for more than a few posts. I end each one with three things I’m grateful for. I try to keep it focused on wealth, health, and self. But sometimes it strays. And that’s okay. However, the structure is […]
How I Use Growth Mindset Goal Setting and Time Management for Success

Growth mindset goal setting is about learning. Growing. Improving. It’s about becoming your best self in the context of whatever it is you’re doing. The sun hasn’t quite risen as I start this post here in the parking lot of the school. Today starts the second week of the year. Since December 28, […]
How to Be Positive? Never Forget the Powerful Controllables.

Every so often, I get asked how to be positive. I believe being positive is the consequence of a choice. I don’t think you can actually choose to be positive. Could I be wrong? Sure. But I don’t think that I am. This afternoon, after the soccer game, Wendy had set up a volunteer event […]
The Definition of a Fixed Mindset? It’s The Astonishing Attitude Holding You Back.

The definition of a fixed mindset is one built on limitations. One based on a fixed destiny. And one that I believe is wrong. The basic definition of a fixed mindset goes something like this: “Talent or intelligence alone create success without effort.” As I said yesterday, this is the opposite of a growth mindset. […]
The Definition of a Growth Mindset? A Short Guide to Being Remarkable.

What is the definition of a growth mindset? Sometimes, when I’m asked about being successful, my answer is short. “I have a growth mindset.” But what does that mean, really? I believe a couple of things. Having a passion and a purpose. Hard work with maximum effort. A positive attitude even in the face of […]
Actually Do The Hard Stuff? Yes, I’ve Found It Has Mind-blowing Results.

Do the hard stuff. Don’t avoid it. It’s counterintuitive, but that is how you learn to do hard things. But doing it and failing. And then doing the hard thing again until you get it right. Friday’s are always the hardest day for me to wake up. I don’t know why. But not being a […]
The Benefits of Time Management? More Productivity. More Free Time.

I often talk to people about the benefits of time management. This morning, I talked about why time management is important. Because every moment is fleeting. Every moment wasted is gone forever. You can’t get them back. Every weeknight through February 14, we have Regulators Baseball Club winter workouts. We are on the field from […]
525,600 Reasons Why Time Management Is Important for Success

There are 525,600 reasons why time management is important for success. Each one is unique in its own way… Every morning I wake up around 5:30 AM (depending on how many times I say, “Hey Siri, snooze.”). But no matter what, I’m up by 6 AM. I don’t say this to imply that I’m a […]