productive | profitable | personal

This Easy Hack Will Double Your Productivity Working From Home?

Productivity Working from Home

Figuring out how to squeeze out more productivity while working from home is a challenge. A big one. When you work for yourself, you’re responsible for your own productivity. And motivation. And success. Or the lack thereof. In fact, whether you own a brick-and-mortar shop or you’re an online marketer, we should all share one […]

Time Management and Project Planning? My Most Recent Success Story.

Time Management and Project Planning

I have a certain lifestyle freedom that others wish for. But I couldn’t have that without time management and project planning. I am an entrepreneur. I am a digital marketer. And I run a fast-growing baseball organization. Every evening I transition from being an entrepreneur and marketer into baseball mode. It’s not always easy. It […]

Guaranteed to Make You More Productive? The Perfect 5-Step Process

More Productive with 5s

We all want to be more productive. It’s a cold Saturday morning here in North Carolina. I’m not a fan of the cold. I’d prefer a beach in the Caribbean any day of the week. In my pursuit of one-percent-better, I’m starting to notice things that annoy me more than they used to. You know […]

Ever Think, “I Have a Procrastination Problem?” How to Quickly Abolish It.

I have a procrastination problem. Admitting it is the first step to overcoming it, right? Well, it’s procrastination we’re talking about now. Procrastination is a funny thing. You know you’re doing it, as you’re doing it, and you do nothing about it. You know it’s going to affect your performance somewhere. And that task or […]

How to End Procrastination Now. 11 Amazing and Terrific Tips.


How to end procrastination now? It’s a common question. Look. We’ve all been there. That nagging feeling that we should be doing something, but for some reason, we can’t seem to get started. Hours drift by and before we know it, the day is over and we still haven’t accomplished anything. Except maybe watching some […]

What Does Time Management Mean? Freedom and Happiness. Here’s How.

What does time management mean?

What does time management mean? I realize that I talk about it a lot, but I’ve never defined it. The answer, for me, is both practical and philosophical. So let’s attack it from both ends. “That’s what she said.” ~ Michael Scott Sorry, had to do it. That’s what she said. Ok, serious now. Time […]

How to Be More Disciplined? 11 Easy Tips for More Success. Faster.

How to Be More Disciplined

Every day, someone asks me how to be more disciplined. They recognize that a large part of my success is because I’m highly productive. It’s a well-known fact that discipline is the foundation for success. It may be your career. Or it may be your relationships, health, finances. But whatever it is, discipline is the […]

3 Devastating Time Management Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Time Management Mistakes

Yes, even I make time management mistakes. This morning is a case in point. I got Cameron to school late. It was avoidable. And it was my fault. I slept through my alarm. At some point, I shut it off and then overslept. Wendy woke me up a few minutes after 7 AM, more than […]

How Time Management Is Important and Useful? Being Ahead of the Game.

How Time Management is Important

Today was a good primer on how time management is important. I hit the ground running this morning. Woke up, brushed my teeth, and got Cameron to school on time. Then I finished this morning’s blog post in the parking lot of Cole’s school. From there, I updated one dashboard and then we (my tech […]

Want to be One Percent Better Every Day? Don’t Break the Chain.

One Percent Better Every Day Don't Break the Chain

One of the keys to becoming one percent better every day can be summed up like this. Don’t break the chain. As we sit here our feet are literally barking. But they are barking together. Before I tell you about our fun (and tiring day), I want to tell you about the concept of not […]