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How to Be More Disciplined? 11 Easy Tips for More Success. Faster.

How to Be More Disciplined? 11 Easy Tips for More Success. Faster.

How to Be More Disciplined

Every day, someone asks me how to be more disciplined. They recognize that a large part of my success is because I’m highly productive.

It’s a well-known fact that discipline is the foundation for success. It may be your career. Or it may be your relationships, health, finances. But whatever it is, discipline is the key.

Discipline is what sets apart the most successful people from everyone else. It’s the ability to do the right thing, even when you don’t feel like it. It’s the ability to follow through even when you don’t feel like it. And it’s the ability to make the right decision, even when you’re full of doubt.

Discipline is the ability to be consistent, day in and day out, even when you don’t feel like it. The fact is this, the most successful people on earth are the most disciplined people on earth.

Discipline is what separates the top 1% from the rest of the population.

So how can you do it? That’s the question.

Tip 1: Understand What Discipline Is and Why You Need It.

First, it’s important to understand what discipline actually is.

Discipline is the ability to do what you need to do, even when you don’t feel like it.

It’s the ability to follow through even when you don’t feel like it.

And it’s the ability to make the right decision even when you’re full of doubt.

You’ve heard the phrase “discipline beats talent when talent doesn’t have discipline.” It’s a powerful statement that’s 100% true.

Discipline is the ability to do the right thing, even when you don’t feel like it.

And if you’re going to be successful in life, you need to learn how to be more disciplined.

Tip 2: Set Clear Goals for Yourself.

What is the best way to increase your discipline? Set clear goals for yourself. Then focus relentlessly on achieving them.

When your goals are clear and specific, it becomes much easier to achieve them. It’s also a good idea to write down your goals. And then post them somewhere obvious.

That way you can see them and then pause to reflect (see tip 8 below). This helps you stay focused on the actions you need to take.

When you’re learning how to be more disciplined, goal-setting is paramount. There’s no way around it. And those goals should be SMART.

Yes, I mean intelligent.

But I also mean

  • Specific and Tangible
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant Right Now
  • Time-Bound

Think “I want to lose 10 pounds of body fat in the next 28 days so that I can look my best for my high school reunion” instead of “I want to lose weight.”

Tip 3: Make a Script and Stick to It.

Now, when it comes to increasing your discipline, the best way to do this is by making a script and then sticking to it. This means setting specific deadlines. These deadlines should have specific subtasks with their own deadlines.

It means being relentless with your time management. And then taking action steps each day that will move you closer to achieving your goals.

When you make a specific plan and then stick to it, you’re forcing yourself to maintain discipline. You’re pushing past your initial urges to do something else, and you’re remaining focused on your goals.

Just as having goals that are clear and specific, it becomes much easier to achieve them, It’s also a good idea to have a specific set of actions to accomplish them. And then to set aside specific times of the day to focus on them.

Do you want to know how to be more disciplined? Start with setting aside 30 minutes in the morning to focus on your goals for the day. Then another 30 minutes in the afternoon for your goals for the week. And another 30 minutes at night.

This way, you’ll have specific times of the day where you can focus on achieving your goals. This is how to become more disciplined.

This method is how I started. It forces me to break down short, medium, and longer-term goals. And it blocks off time to focus on them.

Now, on most days, those sections are two hours long each. But don’t start there. Ease into it.

Tip 4: Find an Accountability Partner.

When you’re learning how to be more disciplined, an accountability partner can be helpful. Even more so if you’re struggling to stay on track.

An accountability partner is someone who agrees to hold you to your goals. They are there to push you.

They may ask you how you’re doing on your goals. Answer them honestly. This gives you an opportunity to reflect on your progress. And it allows you the chance to course-correct and helps make sure you’re staying focused on the right things.

You should set up regular touchpoints with your partner. For example, you can text or email each other on a weekly basis to make sure you’re both staying focused on your goals.

Who makes a good accountability partner? This person should be someone who is supportive and encouraging. They will also have a growth mindset and will be able to offer you valuable advice to help you reach your goals.

Tip 5: Remove Distractions from Your Life.

One of the biggest obstacles to achieving success is distractions. Distractions come in many forms such as social media is the big one these days. TikTok, Facebook, and the Gram hold your attention.

Because these platforms are so addictive, you have to make a plan for how you can minimize them in your life.

You can do this by setting aside specific times of the day for these distractions. Or you can cut yourself off entirely. (This would be my route if I didn’t use them for business). For example, you can set aside time at lunch to use social media for 30 minutes, and another 30 minutes at night. I use this strategy with television. Television helps me to unwind and let my brain take a break. But I only watch it as I’m doing my nighttime routines to get ready for bed.

Just make sure you’re making the most of your time by removing as many distractions as possible. This way, you can increase your discipline and you’ll be able to focus on your goals.

Want to know how to be more disciplined? Close the social apps!

Tip 6: Get Rid of Negative People in Your Life.

When people ask me how to be more disciplined, this is one of the first bits of advice I give them. And it’s also usually the hardest pill to swallow.

It’s time to step on a few toes. In the literal and figurative sense.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Period.

And what that means is this: negative people obstacles. Period.

We all have to overcome them on the way to success and happiness.

I take grief all the time for how ruthless I am with removing negativity from my life. But I’m okay with that.

And you should be too. Especially if you want to know how to be more disciplined.

If there are negative people in your life who drain your energy and bring down your mood, it’s time to remove them.

Cut ties with them so they don’t ruin any more opportunities for growth.

I know that is hard. And you don’t have to cut off all contact. But the less engagement the better. It’s best to minimize your time with them as much as possible so you can focus on your goals.

It’s time to stop allowing others to hold you back.

At the same time, surround yourself with people who are supportive and who want to see you succeed. This will help you stay focused on your goals. Remember, we’re cultivating a growth mindset. Don’t let someone else’s small, fixed mindset distract you.

Tip 7: Take Action Right Away Whenever Possible.

One big mistake we often make when it comes to achieving our goals is procrastination. There are entire courses on how to eliminate it.

People waste time thinking about what needs doing but never actually doing it. To avoid this mistake, take action on a task right away. Even if it’s taking a few minutes to write down a task list or making a small plan to do a bigger project.

Taking action right away will help you stay focused on your goals and keep you moving forward.

For example, if you want to lose weight, then you should make a plan to exercise right after you wake up. No thinking about it, just do it.

I use it with my oral health, which I’ve let slide in the past. I wake up, I brush my teeth before doing anything else.

Some people focus start by making their bed in the morning.

By doing small things like this, you’re taking action and starting your day with a win. These small hits of dopamine will increase your discipline and help you reach your goals.

You should also set a goal for consistency. For example, if you want to read more, then you should make a plan to read at least 5 pages a day. After 14 days, this consistency starts to form new habits. At which point, you feel weird not doing it.

You’re creating a routine for yourself that will help you stay focused on your goals. And you’re taking action which will increase your discipline.

I’m using this anti-procrastination and consistency mindset on the one percent better journey. Why? Because it works.

Tip 8: Practice Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques for Improved Discipline.

One of the best strategies for learning how to be more disciplined is mindfulness meditation. Meditation increases your ability to focus and be more productive. And science backs it up.

For example, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that mindfulness meditation techniques can help people control their anger and emotions. This leads to better discipline.

Meditation apps such as Headspace (my favorite) teach you the basics of the practice. And then, once you have the hang of it, they take your mindfulness to the next level.

Download the app and try out some of the free meditations to see how they can help you become more productive.

You can then upgrade to a premium plan (recommended). This allows you to access advanced meditations designed to help you reach your goals.

However, it’s important to remember that not all mindfulness techniques are the same. The best techniques are those which help you focus on the present moment. The ones that help you clear your mind of distractions.

For example, one of the best ways to improve your discipline is to do a short meditation each morning. This will help you get into a routine that will increase your discipline and help you get more done.

I shoot for 10 minutes. Then, in the evening, do another one. I pop on my headphones, relax in a chair, and follow the instructions on the app.

Tip 9: Set Up a System of Rewards and Penalties.

Another way to increase your discipline is by setting up a system of rewards and penalties.

This means that for every task you complete, you give yourself a reward. For example, if you finish a chapter of a book, then you can reward yourself by watching your favorite TV show. Or going out with a friend. Or an extra 30 minutes on the socials.

But you also have to set up penalties for when you fail to complete a task on time. For example, if you fail to exercise one day, then you can punish yourself by not allowing yourself to watch TV for a day. Maybe even use that time to make progress toward the goal you fell short on.

People often make the mistake of only setting up only rewards. They never set up penalties. Rewards are great, but avoiding pain is our primary motivator.

That’s why it’s important to also set up penalties for when you fail to complete a task. Especially when the penalty is sufficiently painful. You’ll improve your discipline and get more done.

A double whammy of success on your path to discovering how to be more disciplined.

Tip 10: Take Breaks When Necessary but Keep them Short and Focused.

Yes. It’s important to have discipline when working on your goals. But it’s also necessary to take breaks. This allows you to refresh your mind (and body).

When I took my own path to discover how to be more disciplined, this was one of my favorite methods.

Taking a short break helps you avoid burnout. And it will also give you an opportunity to reflect on your progress so far and how to improve your discipline.

The best way to take a break is to clear your mind and do something relaxing, such as going for a walk or listening to music.

Yet, it’s important to keep your breaks short so you don’t waste too much time and get back to focusing on your goals.

Some people make the mistake of taking breaks that are too long. I’ve been guilty of this in the past.

For example, I’ve taken a two-hour break after working for just one hour. This isn’t productive. Neither is taking an hour break for every hour worked.

The technique that works best for me is something called the Pomodoro Technique. The Pomodoro Technique uses 30-minute chunks of time. You work for 25 minutes and then take a five-minute break.

I’ve modified it a little on my own journey in learning how to be more disciplined. I use hour chunks and ten-minute breaks. This allows me the flexibility to take a quick walk if the weather is nice or to get an extra meditation session in.

Either way, I try to keep the 5 to 1 work-to-break ratio intact.

This way, I get more done, and I have a script I can stick to. This is a key step on the pathway to have more discipline.

Tip 11: How to Be More Disciplined? Be Patient and Persevere.

The last step to increasing your discipline is to be patient and persevere. Rome wasn’t built in a day. And becoming a model of self-discipline won’t happen overnight either.

It will take a lot of time and effort to improve your discipline and get more done. But it’s worth it in the end when you see the progress you’ve made.

My best advice is to take the same approach I am this year. Try to be one percent more disciplined every day. At the end of the year, you’ll have a whopping 37 times more discipline than you do now.

The best thing you can do is have patience and keep working on it until you see results.

So, to increase your discipline and get more done, use one or more of these 11 tips. I’ve seen massive success with them, and you will too.

These methods help increase your discipline in a way that’s simple and easy to follow. They don’t involve any complicated techniques. And when you think about it, they don’t need much effort on your part.

Instead, all you need to do is choose one and apply it. This will help you get into a routine that will increase your discipline and help you get more done.

Once you’ve mastered one tip, add another. Right now, I use 10 of these 11 tips on a near-daily basis. I’m accomplishing more and more each day. And you can too.

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