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Want Success Now? Focus on the Critical Few. Avoid the Trivial Many.

Want Success Now? Focus on the Critical Few. Avoid the Trivial Many.

Focus on the Critical Few to Scale and Grow Your Business

I’m going to say that my ability to focus on the critical few things that drive growth is one of my biggest assets. It’s helped me grow my agency to a size that is comfortable, and the leverage to continue it on a path to growth. It allows me to let it run somewhat automatically. And that allows me to pursue some other things (like this site).

That said, working with clients work is fun and interesting. Especially working with entrepreneurs. They have so many ideas. And so much passion. But like Adrian Monk says “It’s a blessing… and a curse.”

I had two client meetings yesterday, both lasting two hours.

First, the clients with the heavy data focus set several records last month and last year. They had a record year for email revenue. They had a record month for continuity income. All because they find a key improvement metric and then are relentless at improving it.

It’s all about focus. They don’t have many goals, they have a critical few.

This is what the first clients do. The ones that have been successful with one product for years. If you saw their funnel, you wouldn’t look at it and say “oh, this is a multi-million-dollar banger!” You wouldn’t want to “funnel hack” it.

But they are making an insane about of money.

They focus on the critical few metrics that feed their success. And it’s not front-end conversion rates. Instead, the focus on three metrics:

1. Life-time value of their customers.
2. New continuity customers.
3. Stick rate.

New continuity customers that stick drive lifetime value.

Simple, right?

This brings me to my next client.

We started by talking about what it takes to make money online. My philosophy on it is simple. Figure out how to make a dollar. Then do more of that.

What happens a lot is people will make some sales online. But they didn’t meet their unrealistic expectations of overnight riches. So they throw the funnel away.

They have bought into the “one funnel away” concept. That whole philosophy was designed to… wait for it… sell funnel building software. So you’re taught to think you’re one funnel away. Then when that one doesn’t meet the insane expectation of money from heaven, you toss it aside.

You’ll burn through “funnels” until you run out of money to pay for the software. Or until you start thinking you’re not good enough. As good as the other ‘fake-it-until-you-make-it’ personalities on Facebook and Instagram and TikTok.

We compare ourselves to the people we think have made it overnight. The rented Lamborghini parked in a garage and the fake private planes.

We get caught up in that portrayal of fake success. We’re in the world of 23-year-old coaches for 22-year-olds coaches that coach 21-year-old coaches. All hoping to get that bag. Instead, someone at the end of that model is the one left holding it…

Not that there’s anything at all with being a 21, 22, or 23-year-old coach. But let’s not pretend those young coaches that coach young coaches to get more coaching clients isn’t one big circle jerk. It is. And it’s a stressful one at that.

Instead, there is a simple way to beat the stress inherent in online entrepreneurship. A simple way to have real, lasting, long-term success.

Have a relentless focus on the critical few.

Focus on a small number of funnels that make a few sales. Then you fit them into a framework designed to actually help people reach their goals.

Then, focus on the critical few metrics that drive growth. And then hammer away at them.

The trick is to focus on the critical few. The critical few funnels to build your framework. The critical few metrics to build your business.

Not jump from thing to thing. From idea to idea. But to be relentless on your focus to get the basics right.

After the client and I talked about this, the client (who is a successful online entrepreneur in the supplement space) agreed.

Then, he pivoted to talk about the fifty-three other ideas he had.

All these ideas pull his focus in all kinds of different directions.

I could only shake my head.

Baseball, especially with kids and teenagers is similar. To hit a baseball well with consistency takes a tremendous amount of focus. It takes a lot of practice on the basics. The critical few things that you need to do to be on time and in the right place with your bat.

Children’s minds, especially in the age of Instagram a TikTok, aren’t wired that way. They’re like entrepreneurs in that regard. You have to nudge them to focus and work on the right things. All while providing them with enough freedom to express themselves. And to have fun. But you have to return to the framework of hitting a baseball and focusing on that critical few things.

Just like you have to return to the framework of growing a business. A business, not a funnel. Once you make that mindset shift, you have a real chance.

Tonight, as I get ready for bed, I’m thankful for focus. Focus to get one percent better every day. Focus to reset and build a better foundation for my own businesses. And focus to be the best father and husband I can be.

I’m grateful for the freedom to coach baseball every night. It keeps me sane and grounded, and yes, focused, on what matters most. Helping future generations to be their best selves.

And I’m grateful for my iPhone and Notes app. I’m able to write this post from the recliner in the library as I unwind and get ready for bed. It’s hard to remember what life was like before we had these things. They’re convenient as long as you don’t let them take over your life. The fine line is keeping them as a utility, not as a necessity,

See you tomorrow!

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